Learn everything about music production

Recording Foley Sounds

Producing music with foley

Foley is an artform where ordinary sounds are recreated in the studio. Things like footsteps, opening, and closing doors, moving

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Remaking a track
Music Production

How to remake a track

Have you ever wondered how that one track you absolutely love was made? A producer won’t give away his secrets

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Create your own kickdrum
Music Production

Create your own kickdrum

Making the perfect kickdrum always seemed like an impossible task to me. How do professional producers create kicks that sound

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Top 16 Muziek Productie Blogs
Music Production

Top 18 Music Production Blogs

Since I learned a lot from music production blogs, I decided to make a short list of music production blogs that produce good quality content. […]

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Feedback Geven

Giving Feedback

Everybody listens to different kinds of music. Just like some people love to eat sushi when others can’t stand it, there are people who love your music when others hate it. Giving feedback to other people’s music can quickly escalate into an argument about why that kind of music fights with your own musical taste. There is an art in giving feedback as much as there is an art in creating the music itself. […]

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Backup Your Backup

Backup Your Backup

It has been stated millions of times before but I will say it again. Backup the backup of your backup. If a digital file isn’t backed up 3 times, it doesn’t exist! A hard disk doesn’t care if you have important files to deliver to your client this afternoon. A hard disk will crash eventually and all your work is gone. […]

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Deep House Structuur
Music Production

10 Deep House Songs Analyzed by Structure

Recently I started getting into deep house music. I’ve always liked deep house music, especially the more melodic kind. A problem I ran into with my own music, however, is that I began with great sounds and melodic ideas, but I didn’t know how to finish the track. It was time for me to study a bunch of tracks in terms of structure. […]

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Je Eigen Unieke Sound Vinden
Music Production

Finding Your Own Sound

A lot of artists have a certain sound. Something which differentiates them from the rest. Having your own unique sound doesn’t mean you need to work in only one genre. Your own unique sound will shine through anything you do. It is in your blood, your experience, personal interests, and your view of this world. […]

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Heb ik een mix template nodig?

Why do I need a mix template

Almost all of the great mix engineers in this world use a mix template. I wanted to make one myself for a long time but I couldn’t get my head around it at first. If you are just starting out with mixing music, the thought of creating a go-to mix template can be daunting. […]

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Zelf muziek schrijven op gitaar

Get started writing songs on guitar

You have been playing guitar for a while now and wonder how your favorite artists come up with all these wonderful tunes. After fiddling around with licks, scales, and chords you start to feel the urge to start writing songs yourself. Writing songs on guitar isn’t all that hard, you probably already have the skills to get started. […]

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Houd je luisteraars geïnteresseerd
Music Production

Keeping Your Listeners Interested

The last couple of weeks I took a closer look at electronic music, specifically house music. While house music has numerous sub-genres, all longer forms of house music ranging from 4 to 9 minutes, actually have a way of keeping the listeners interested. […]

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Stock Plugins vs External Plugins

Stock Plugins or Third Party Plugins

Each DAW is bundled with a huge amount of different audio processing plugins. With all these plugins at hand, why are people still buying third-party plugins? Don’t they have enough tools to play around with already? […]

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How much RAM for music production?

How much RAM for music production?

A returning question I see on various music production groups every week is: ‘How much RAM do I need for music production?’. There is nothing wrong with this question, the problem is the answer that is given. […]

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Modular Synthesis Getting Started Guide Book Mockup

Are you ready to dive into modular?

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Ready to dive into Modular Synthesis?

Download this free 20-page guide and get started with modular synthesis. Whether you’re looking into hardware or software.
No strings attached, just patch cables! 😅

Modular Synthesis Getting Started Guide Book Mockup