How Does Music Leak?

The word ‘leak’ is enough to send shivers down any music industry player’s spine. A leak can be accidental, or deliberate; it could go viral, or be unnoticed — so what does it mean to leak something?
Producing music with foley

Foley is an artform where ordinary sounds are recreated in the studio. Things like footsteps, opening, and closing doors, moving chairs, rattling keys and clothing noises. Sounds that nobody seems to notice unless you take them away. Recording the world around you Recording foley or ‘found sounds’ as some people like to call it, is […]
How to create a dub delay on an analog mixer

Computers are machines I couldn’t live without. But sometimes they tend to get in the way of creating music. That’s why I am currently working on a completely analog setup in the studio. I hooked all synth’s and outboard effects to an analog mixing desk and realized that the mixer too can act as an […]
Recording with outboard gear

You might think it would be a waste of time and money to invest in outboard gear while we have access to an unlimited amount of powerful software plugins. The differences between plugins and hardware are getting smaller. But there are more practical uses of outboard gear that I want to talk about in this article. […]