Your first DAWless Setup

So, you’re thinking about starting a DAWless setup. You’re tired of looking at a computer screen all day and just want to get away from the computer and use your hands to make music. That sounds like a lovely goal! But where do you start? What is a DAWless setup? Let’s first talk about what […]
The best drum machine for intermediate to advanced producers

In my previous article I talked about the best drum computer for beginners, this time I’ll cover drum machines for intermediate to advanced producers. When you’ve been producing music for a while, either with software or hardware, you might be looking for a drum machine that’s different than everything else. A machine that will give […]
The Best Drum Machine for Beginners

So you’re looking for your first drum computer? With so many rhythm boxes out there nowadays, how are you ever going to pick the one that’s right for you? In this article, I’ll show you the best drum machines for beginners. Analog, Digital, or Hybrid? First of all, let’s talk about the different kinds of […]
Best studio headphones for mixing & mastering

Headphones are essential in the studio, not only for recording but also for mixing and even mastering. To achieve better-sounding music productions and mixes, you need an accurate listening environment. However, acoustically treating your room is an expensive endeavor that is not possible for everyone. Especially if you’re just starting out with music production, there […]
Build your own affordable vintage gear

Every music producer or audio engineer dreams of owning a vintage LA2A, 1176 1073, or any other classic unit. However, one glance at the price of an original version makes you glad we have access to plugins now. Even though the quality of plugins keeps getting better, sometimes owning an analog hardware device just adds […]
Do I need a mixer in my studio?

A lot of recording studios have a mixer set-up in their control room. You know, those things with tons of knobs and faders. Apart from looking pretty classy, what are the benefits of using a mixer in this day and age? ‘Why would I need a mixer in my studio?’ Back to the golden age […]
How to create a dub delay on an analog mixer

Computers are machines I couldn’t live without. But sometimes they tend to get in the way of creating music. That’s why I am currently working on a completely analog setup in the studio. I hooked all synth’s and outboard effects to an analog mixing desk and realized that the mixer too can act as an […]
Fixing ground loop hum in the studio

Have you ever heard that annoying buzz coming out of your speakers? I certainly have been listening to that same old buzz for a while now and I finally decided to do something about it. As your studio expands with more effect processors, synthesizers, compressors, and pre-amps the studio becomes a complex living organism. Thin […]
Backup Your Backup

It has been stated millions of times before but I will say it again. Backup the backup of your backup. If a digital file isn’t backed up 3 times, it doesn’t exist! A hard disk doesn’t care if you have important files to deliver to your client this afternoon. A hard disk will crash eventually and all your work is gone. […]
The benefits of hardware synthesizers

Back in the day when computers were nothing more than glorified calculators. Which they still are today, by the way, only a bit more powerful. Music producer and musicians had to use hardware devices to create sounds. I am talking about hardware synthesizers, samplers and effect units. […]